Celebrating 96 anniversary of the first transatlantic contact between Fred Schnell (1MO) and Leon Deloy (8AB) in 1923.
On November 27, 1923, at about 21:30 UTC John L. Reinartz, 1XAM and Fred Schnell, 1MO, in USA [at Haverford College] made the first two-way contact with the French Léon Deloy, 8AB [Léon Deloy’s amateur station in Nice, France], on the wavelength specially authorized of 110 meters (2.72 Mc).

Le Radio Club de Nice F4KJQ célèbre le 96eme anniversaire
de la 1ere liaison transatlantique entre Nice et les USA, le 28/11/1923 entre Fred Schnell (1MO) et Leon Deloy (8AB)